Wednesday, September 30, 2020

FD's surprised rate of interest structure

See produced different bank's rate of interest of fixed deposit, including senior citizens...

Little surprised personally on Many variations!! Along with giving little worry on present days RBI's decision and policies...

After so many bank merging, we are still not getting common rate of interest at nationalised bank...

Most effective are 180, 181 and 185 days rate of interest structure... whatever that are, just include 0.5% more for senior citizens ...

SBI's 180 Days FD% are 3.90%
BOB's 180 days FD% are 4.40%
ICICI 184 days FD% are 3.50%
YES bank 180 days are on 6%

SBI's 365 days one year FD% are 5.10%
BOB's 365 days one year FD% are 4.90%
ICICI 365 days one year FD% are 4.40%
YES bank 365 days one year are on 6.50%

Here produced today's rate of percentage with effects dates in pictures... you ca6see it in brief...

SBI details are as above

BOB details are as above

ICICI details are as above

YES Bank details are as above

While RBI's repo and reverse repo rate structure of percentage are mostly common for all nationalised bank...

Latest RBI Bank Rates in Indian Banking - 2020

SLR RateCRRMSFRepo RateReverse Repo RateBase Rate
18%3%4.25%4%3.35%8.15% - 9.40%

Repo rate also known as the benchmark interest rate is the rate at which the RBI lends money to the banks for a short term. When the repo rate increases, borrowing from RBI becomes more expensive. If RBI wants to make it more expensive for the banks to borrow money, it increases the repo rate similarly, if it wants to make it cheaper for banks to borrow money it reduces the repo rate. Current repo rate is 4%

Reverse Repo rate is the short term borrowing rate at which RBI borrows money from banks. The Reserve bank uses this tool when it feels there is too much money floating in the banking system. An increase in the reverse repo rate means that the banks will get a higher rate of interest from RBI. As a result, banks prefer to lend their money to RBI which is always safe instead of lending it others (people, companies etc) which is always risky

Repo Rate signifies the rate at which liquidity is injected in the banking system by RBI, whereas Reverse Repo rate signifies the rate at which the central bank absorbs liquidity from the banks.

RBI joined other central banks and slashed the repo rate, reverse repo rate and CRR to help maintain stability as a response to the Corona Virus crisis. In April 2020, RBI cut the reverse repo rate so banks will get lower interest rate which will push them to give out more loans to the general public and companies. In May 2020, they slashed repo and reverse repo rate again. RBI also extended the moratorium on payment of loans by another three months till August.

Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) - वैधानिक तरलता अनुपात
अपनी जमा पर लोन जारी करने की अनुमति बैंक को तभी दी जाती है, जब बैंक इस अनुपात को सुरक्षित रख लेते हैं. रिजर्व बैंक इसका निर्धारण करता है. 40 फीसदी SLR की अधिकतम सीमा रह चुकी है. रिजर्व बैंक SLR की सीमा 40% से 0% तक रख सकता है.
May 28, 2020

CRR means Cash reserve Ratio वह पैसा होता है जिसे बैंक RBI (रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया) के पास जमा रखते है. यदि CRR 4% है तो इसका मतलब यह है की भारत के हर बैंक को अपनी कुल जमा राशी में से 4 प्रतिशत धन राशी RBI के पास जमा रखनी होती है

MSF rate means

Marginal Standing Facility. MSF भी बैंकिंग से सम्बंधित टर्म है. भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने अपनी मौद्रिक नीति (2011-12) में सीमांत स्थायी सुविधा (एमएसएफ) शुरू की थी. इसके अंतर्गत अनुसूचित वाणिज्यिक बैंक (Scheduled Commercial Bank) रिजर्व बैंक से, वर्तमान रेपो दर से 1% अधिक ब्याज दर पर पैसा उधार ले सकता है. यद्यपि उधार लेने की technique रेपो रेट के जैसी ही है….जैसे>> SBI ने यह कह कर RBI के पास bond गिरवी रखी कि वह उसे बाद में अधिक दर पर खरीदकर वापस ले लेगा. इसमें भी बांड गिरवी रखकर लोन लिया जाता है.

अक्सर अपने जमा और ऋण पोर्टफोलियो में imbalance होने के चलते बैंकों को तरलता की कमी का सामना करना पड़ता है. बैंकों में अचानक नकदी/तरलता की भारी कमी आ जाने पर MSF के माध्यम से RBI से धन उधार ले लिया जाता है. ये लोन short-term loan होते हैं जिन्हें सिर्फ एक दिन के लिया जाता है. 

इसे इस तरह से याद कर सकते हैं:–>>

  1. रेपो रेट = रिवर्स रेपो रेट + 1%
  2. MSF रेट= रेपो रेट + 1%
... बैंक RBI से अधिकतम उतना ही राशि का MSF ले सकता है जितना उसकी शुद्ध माँग और टर्म दायित्वों/Net demand and Time liabilities (NDTL) का 1% होता है. उफ़! यह तो टेक्निकल और थकाऊ लाइन मैंने कह दिया :p—- दूसरे शब्दों में कोई भी बैंक अधिकतम (maximum) अपने जमा एवं उधार की कुल राशि (total amount) का एक प्रतिशत ही ऋण ले सकता है. मतलब जितना बैंक का औकात है , उतने का 1% लोन ही ले सकता है. याद रहे कि बैंक के जमा (deposits) और उधार (borrowings) के योग को NDTL कहा जाता है...

When bank's are merger done in India, there are so many capital amount increased in volume... The expense of bank's are decrease by so many reasons... 

Still they are not increased the rate of interest of fixed deposit... Most of people are considering that GDP of India, GST collection, 

For further details pleas read the following blogs which are written previously....

These both are for Indian economic conditions for past days and eye opening details though it has not in proper grammar mode but reputed charter accountants can give proper guidance to handling recent days slow economic development to improve better in condition...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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